Ever hear someone say they went on a diet and it “didn’t work”? Then, after digging deeper you reveal that they didn’t accurately follow the plan on the weekends, they snacked some days a week & so on. The “diet” isn’t the problem. The problem is your adherence to the diet. If you’re not following a plan accurate, how will you know if it truly works? You need to be honest with yourself!
If you feel that something isn’t sustainable you have to consider if it’s right for you. Just like the cliche saying goes, “Nothing works unless you do”. Dieting for weight loss works if you’re in an energy deficit. Gaining works if you’re in an energy surplus. You can maintain your weight if you’re within your maintenance calories. There’s no debate there. However, nothing will work unless you follow through with it, consistently!
I understand 100% perfection isn’t sustainable for people, at least not forever. But, if you truly give it a conscious effort you might find that giving +80% is totally doable for you and that will definitely get you great results!
If you get into the habit of not cutting corners with anything you do, chances are that will become a habit that may affect your nutrition or training.
One thing I share with my clients is that we as a team don’t cut corners, go for the “low hanging fruit” (this means always taking the path of least resistance), and put off things we know we have to do to get results!
Simply put... A half ass job yields half ass results.
Make a true conscious effort to follow a plan for a while & see what results you get from it before deeming it broken!