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Writer's pictureCoach Tom NASM-CPT, Pn1

The *name* diet doesn't really matter

Contrary to popular belief, your “insert name here” diet does not directly get you results.

What do I mean by this? An example for you...

I track my macros daily but, just because I track my macros and follow a flexible approach doesn’t mean I will get results.

When you expend energy following any diet, you’re putting out more energy than you take in and, because of this, you get a deficit. It’s the energy deficit that you create within that diet that gets you results!

Another example would be if you follow a vegetarian style of eating. Just because you eat mostly plant based meals doesn’t mean you will get results. Same with keto. Just because you aren’t eating (that many) carbs doesn’t mean it’s causing weight loss because. It’s not the macronutrient specifically that’s causing weight loss. It’s the energy deficit itself.

A lot of people believe that a certain “type” of diet will cause weight loss or something like that and it’s important to understand the “type” only matters if you can use it to get results and adhere to it for a long period of time.

That being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating keto, vegan, tracking macros, vegetarian, carnivore, etc. if they help you adhere to a plan that gets you results and keep them forever.

So before you thank your “insert name here” diet for getting you results, don’t be so quick to discredit yourself for going into a deficit to actually cause weight loss! You’re doing all the work! The type of diet you follow is just a tool you’re using to help you do just that!

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