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Writer's pictureCoach Tom NASM-CPT, Pn1

Snake oil Salemen and their favorite fitness products

Updated: Aug 22, 2019

snake oil salesman

noun [ C ] disapproving UK US ​​

someone who deceives people in order to get money from them

We've all seen it. People selling belly wraps, detoxes, skinny teas, juice cleanses, etc. These people can come off as super friendly and supportive individuals because some (most) of the time they're trying to sell you a product they believe in and even more so, because they want to make money. Some companies pay their community members by commission per product and some by adding people to their community. Speaking on most of the “influencers“ you see on social media, these people want the easiest job for the least amount of work. Adding a link to their bio, using a discount code and making money with little to no effort or practical selling effort.

On the other hand... the ones that do put in the effort to sell someone on a waist trainer or a detox etc., they sell you based on problems and fear which I’ll get more into below. Every time I’ve come across this situation with others their experience goes something like this:

Product seller: Hey, you have to try this waist trainer, I’ve really been seeing some changes in my mid section! Every time I wear it, I sweat a ton and I look so much leaner!

Person being sold: Wow, does it really work that well? (Sounding as if they've finally found someone that holds the answer to fat loss and what not)

Product seller: Yes! Look at my results, look at what the product says, look at all these people! (Showing cherry picked clients and those who've used the product IN ADDITION TO proper nutrition and training)

Person being sold: How much to try?

Boom! Not every interaction is like that obviously but you get the jist. This is multiple problems in one. The buyer not asking the right question, the seller only showing results that have been in addition to training and nutrition —and kind you, adequate training and nutrition will bring you results for some time no matter what else you try, and the buyer not having any prior knowledge on what principles get people results. This is not the buyers fault. It’s a tough world out there. What is “right” and “wrong”? There’s so much information on both ends of the spectrum, how will we come to a conclusion? Well, to avoid losing your money and falling prey, below, I'll help you decipher what's tried and true and what's the marketing garbage you don't want to spend your money on. This is in relation to waist trainers, detoxes, and things in that category.

Waist Trainers/Belly Wraps/Leg Wraps

First, lets discuss the claims behind these products. Some claim to have waist slimming and fat burning benefits and others claim to increase the thermic effect in the body or, simply put, they'll make you sweat/hotter so you'll burn more calories and lose weight.

While not only seeing that this is way too good to be true, this can also be uncomfortable, sometimes embarrassing and even dangerous when wrapping yourself --especially really tight. Most of the time, people who buy into this "snake oil" also believe that spot reduction is possible, too. Meaning, if you wish to lose belly fat you simply do more crunches or wear a belly wrap. This is untrue. You can not lose fat from a specific area of your choice as far as research currently shows. The only way to lose weight and lose waist size is this case, is to properly diet by creating a calorie deficit (expending more energy than you consume). You'll be much happier when you save your money and get the results you're looking for.


This is something I see on social media the most. Everyone is selling a "detox" drink or tea because you can't seem to lose fat and keep it off. Sometimes, they don't just have one detox for you, I've seen multiple types of detoxes people try and sell. Just to name a few...

1. The Juice Cleanse Detox - all veggies or greens powders, etc.

2. The Probiotic or Colon Detox - Usually a specific written diet with a "special probiotic" product they sell.

3. The "Healthy" or "Clean" foods Detox - a written diet with certain foods that are believed to "detoxify your body" because they're "healthy" or "clean".

4. The shake detox - like the juice cleanse but with added fat burning protein or some buzzword-y thing like that.

These people and companies will try to tell you that there is some reason you can't lose fat and it has to do with something along the lines of your gut microbiome, toxins inside you, hormones, the foods you eat, or the fact that you don't get enough greens or some other problem and, their product just so happens to solve that! They happen to have the solution to all your problems and it is their product!

Not only are detoxes a complete scam but they probably do more harm than good! Think of this...

You do a juice cleanse for a week and lose 8lbs. But, you're practically starving yourself because you’re drinking 3 shakes a day so, when you go back to eating your normal foods you eat a ton of food resulting in gaining more weight than you lost. Pretty pointless if you ask me. Plus, some cleanses have you putting mixtures together that are flat out disgusting. Lets not forget about the other important things that you'll be missing out on when juicing, like fiber, protein, fats, understanding and getting in tune with your hunger cues and eating habits, and plenty more.

Aside from juicing, the greens are just a substitute for fruits and veggies. Most fruits and vegetables are lower on the glycemic index chart than other foods. Meaning they won’t really change blood glucose and insulin levels. This may sound cool but, it gets cooler because they can be loded up with fiber, phytonutrients and help with satiety. In my experience, I’ve come to the conclusion that for every single person that “hates” fruits and veggies, there is actually a fruit or a veggie out there that they will enjoy. They just haven’t found and tried it yet.

As far as probiotics go, there's little to no point in taking one unless you know the exact strain and maybe the amount you need through lab testing. They're different from a multivitamin because most people have nutrient deficiencies and sometimes get bloodwork done to see that, while most people have absolutely no idea if they need a specific probiotic strain nor do they even ask to have these gut based labs taken.

All these detoxes, cleanses, and body wraps miss the point. They don't teach you how to pick more nutritious foods, how to build good habits to promote eating in a way that'll help you get results and sustain them and, they don't teach you how to train to build muscle and burn fat. They offer you this quick fix in a powder or a wrap and send you on your way with a 72 page manual on how to blend, drink, and use their cleansing, detoxifying, and wrapping products.

I've had quite a few people ask me about these kind of things and sometimes my best response is this; if it really worked, everyone would be using, and endorsing it. The creator would be insanely rich, too! Like, Bill Gates times ten rich, because they would have found the cure to the obesity epidemic.

Stick to what works for weight loss and muscle gain. An energy deficit and resistance training! Be a skeptic and don't fall for these pushy problem sales tactics. Stay active, and occasionally be in a calorie deficit when trying to get lean.

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