12 Things I Learned While Training To Be A Firefighter for 2+ Years
The MOST DIFFICULT Client to work with...
Muscle damage, DOMS, Soreness, and Muscle Growth
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What the FLUX?!
“A man in such a hurry as you are to get results seldom learns quickly.”
4 Habits to Develop Now That You'll Thank Yourself for Later
Simple anything goes at-home workouts to help you stay active during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myth Busted: "Women will get too bulky or muscular from training with weights and training heavy"
Beginners guide to creating your very own training routine
15 Things I've learned in 2019
Cardio. Time, Type, and Everything Else You Need to Know
When and why you need to change your training routine
Tips to Avoid Unwanted Snacking
A simple guide for tracking food WITHOUT macros or calories!
How to calculate your daily food intake... with your hands?!
The Importance of Youth Fitness
A ridiciously easy method to finding your maintenance calories